Monday, 27 October 2014
KRISTA kindergarten BTHO the best! very good rating
here i am..dgn rasa suka cita dan berbesar hati,mengumumkan.. finally..huhu alfian back to krista after 8month of nightmare at previous chinese kindergarten.. why?let me tell u why..because krista is the best!
korang ingat senang ke nak jadi cikgu tadika..susah tau..nak faham budak2 ko kena jadi macam budak2 semua pun kena fun tapi dalam masa yg sama kena didik dia kena ajar dia..haa camne tu?setakat ajar anak tlg buat homework kt rumah pun kadang rasa nak migraine kan..
alfian ni 'special'.. dia bijak (macam mama dia *eeh*) tapi dia agresif.. dia kasar bila berkawan.sebab dia sorang kt rumah,dia tak pandai nak berkongsi nak tolak ansur..jadi bila dia pegi sekolah,dia bawak sikap agresif dia tu maka timbul la masalah..gaduh dgn kawan,tolak kawan,pukul kawan..biasanya libatkan hal berebut mainan berebut gf (*eeh* kecik lagi la dia) heheee kadang sebab dia nak tarik perhatian cikgu atau kawan lain pun dia akan buat perangai.
so oleh kerana sikap dia yg agresif di 'tadika cina ni',ada cikgu2 yg tak berapa cerdik ni..(kalu aku cakap bodoh kang kejam sgt bunyiknya) tegas dgn alfian dlm cara yg salah.. asyik2 rotan asyik2 marah asyik2 jerit asyik2 negatif je dgn alfian.. budak kalau da ari2 ko asyik marah je fed up la dia..dikira dera emosi n fizikal la kan.
cuba ko pegi keje tiap ari bos asyik memekak bebel je marah ko..ko ada mood ke nak keje?cukup bulan ambik gaji blah la kan..ini alfian bertahan kt tadika cina tu for 8 month! kesian dia trauma dah.. aku tak dapat nak terima apa yg da terjadi ni and yes i blame my self sebab i biarkan alfian 8month kt situ..even i cant forget myself for being selfish mother,aku nak sangat dia belajar mandarin..tengok da jadi camni :-( uwaaaaa
alfian trauma sangat tau..dia sampai cakap 'i hate school' dia yg seronok pegi sekolah bole cakap i hate school..lepas tu masa kt sekolah tu,selalu dia tanya aku,bila cuti sekolah,berapa hari lagi dia kena pegi sekolah sebab dia tak suka sebab teacher semua tak syg alfian..aku bukan jenis nak manjakan anak la.. selama ni aku biarkan je dia 8bulan la wehh aku biarkan dia..aku tak penah pegi marah teacher kt tadika cina tu pun bila alfian mengadu teacher garang ke rotan ke..aku marah alfian lagi ada la..aku cakap da alfian nakal tula teacher marah u deserve it..tapi makin lama makin melampau la cikgu2 nya..8bulan kot alfian kt sana! sekarang ni kalau aku lalu dekat area tadika cina tu alfian da panik macam nak nangis sebab takut..dia da TRAUMA!
ni aku ada tulis review pasal alfian pegi tadika cina tu sebelum ni..5ari lepas aku ulis review ni ada something happen..terus ler alfian quit kt situ.. mungkin dia tak serasi kot dengan tadika ni.. susah nak cari tadika yg ada teacher faham budak macam dia ni ;-)
tahun ni improve banyak krista ni..kalau sebelum ni kekurangan krista sebab 'kurang islamic' sekarang da ada improvement.. setiap jumaat pagi ada solat jemaah.ada jugak belajar jawi..dalam banyak tadika aku survey memang krista the best la..perfect la sekarang ni..
aku anta alfian kt krista nak bagi dia happy semula sebab dia da trauma far alhamdulillah dia happy pegi krista.cuma masalahnya penat dan keluar extra $ la..aku kena anta dia mandarin class petang seminggu 2kali,so ambik private tutor mandarin untuk dia..kawan aku juga private tutor serley nama dia,cantik manis dan baik orangnya.private tutor kt kl ni paling murah pun rm50 tau sejam! huhuu..tapi serley ni baik,dia tak la charge mahal..kalau berminat bole hubungi dia 0126761797,dia bole ajar mandarin dari basic..memang fun learning,alfian pun seronok belajar dgn dia.harga pun bole tanya dia tapi memang murah half dari market dan berbaloi!nanti aku update lain pasal mandarin class ni..
so jadual alfian penuh balik la..sementara je..aku suka dia kt krista cuma nya krista takde mandarin. darjah satu aku da daftar dia kt sjkc conaught 1.aku ada pegi jumpa kerani kt sekolah tu cakap biasanya ada kuota utk malay student sebab aku da daftar awal memang 90% yakin alfian akan dapat la masuk sekolah aku memang kena cari tadika cina la untuk dia..sains and math in mandarin tau kt sjkc ni.kalau alfian masuk darjah satu ternganga lagi haa memang ketinggalan banyak la.
aritu da survey tadika cina yg ok untuk dia age6..private tutor mandarin dia ms serley tu ada recommend satu tadika ni..dia personally kenal teacher situ dan kami dah pergi tadika tu.tadika ni sempoi je..under ngo rasanya under mca,Tadika QZ tadika ni jela tadika cina yg aku survey ada ajar sains and math fully mandarin! tadika lain yg bayar mahal glamer tu semua ajar in english tapi kt buku tu dwibahasa la ada tulis mandarin untuk persediaan masuk sjkc ni yg paling bagus la for alfian.kalau aku teruskan dia kt krista,dia kena pegi kelas mandarin kt lain lagi,memang penat..masa and cost! Tadika ni macam pra sekolah la..memang sesuai untuk anak umur 6tahun persediaan sebelum darjah setelah pertimbangkan..memang pilihan utama anta alfian ke tadika ni..harap sangat dia ok kat sini..andai kata tak ok jugak (mintak2 dijauhkan!) i just anta dia mandarin tutor n home school jela.yela takkan nak pegi balik masuk krista lagi kot..huhu malu la lagipun kacau je nanti student lain punya belajar kan takkan teacher nak repeat ajar semula yg da ajar kt age 5 so far alfian bole catchup la semua.
so nantikan update mana tadika alfian pergi january nanti..i da bagitau alfian utk age 6 ni alfian da kena serius belajar pegi sekolah belajar bukan main,kena disiplin.kalau nak main pas balik sekolah bole main far dia cakap dia faham ye la tu faham hahaha harap2 betul la dia faham kan!
kt sini aku nak ucapkan ribuan jutaan million billion trilion kt krista primaya btho atas layanan baik pada Alfian terutama buat Puan Siti principal krista yg memang prihatin dan baik hati..jasa baik puan hanya Allah dapat balas.terima kasih sebab tak pernah putus asa dan jemu dalam mendidik anak2 Malaysia ;-)
saya doakan jugak semoga krista terus cemerlang..amin
p/s: tahniah jugak buat puan siti yg akan terima cahaya mata pertama pada bulan dec ni insha'allah semoga semuanya selamat..amin
ni ha details krista..bole call principal krista puan siti 016-966 1941
Krista Bandar Tun Hussein Onn
2 Jalan Suadamai 11/4,
Bdr Tun Hussein Onn
42300 Cheras, Selangor.
Siti Nor Hasniza
Binti Che Hamzah
hp : 016-966 1941
nah belanja kome krista song!
Friday, 3 January 2014
The Explosive Child
CREDIT TO staceyaltamirano
Some people have described kids as being “difficult, willful, manipulative, attention-seeking, limit-testing, contrary, intransigent, [and] unmotivated” (Greene, 2010), but I challenge you to be a little open minded and read on…
I just finished reading (literally 1 hour ago) The Explosive Child by Ross Greene, Ph.D and am totally blown away by the insightfulness and understanding in which he writes about “Explosive” children and the people who live and interact with them daily. Greene characterizes explosive children not as the description in the previous paragraph, but as kids who lack the developmental capability to be flexible, tolerate frustration, and solve problems as other, more developmentally advanced children can. The simple theory is posed that all children will do well if they can. Just as some kids don’t do well in certain areas of mathematics/writing/science, etc… because they can’t (yet), explosive children don’t handle frustrations, aren’t flexible, and don’t solve problems well (as simple as they may seem to us) because they can’t (yet).
Without rewriting whole chapters here, I’ll briefly outline the “method” that
Greene poses. Instead of imposing your will onto an explosive child (you will/will not do X) or totally avoiding the situation, use the Collaborative Problem Solving strategy in which you and the child sit down when they are calm and able to think reasonably and identify each other’s concerns and try to come up with mutually satisfactory solutions.
Greene poses. Instead of imposing your will onto an explosive child (you will/will not do X) or totally avoiding the situation, use the Collaborative Problem Solving strategy in which you and the child sit down when they are calm and able to think reasonably and identify each other’s concerns and try to come up with mutually satisfactory solutions.
This process is broken down into 3 steps:
1) The Empathy step: gather information from your kid to achieve the clearest possible understanding of his/her concern or perspective on a given un-solved problem
Adult: “I’ve noticed that you aren’t finishing your homework lately. What’s up?”
Child: “My homework is too hard.”
Adult: “So you’re saying that your homework is too hard…what part?”
Child: “The writing part is too hard. I write too slow and my teacher is making me write whole paragraphs. It takes too long and so I forget all my ideas so I’m not going to do it.”
Child: “My homework is too hard.”
Adult: “So you’re saying that your homework is too hard…what part?”
Child: “The writing part is too hard. I write too slow and my teacher is making me write whole paragraphs. It takes too long and so I forget all my ideas so I’m not going to do it.”
2) The Define the Problem step: enter your concern or perspective into consideration
Adult: “So you’re telling me that you don’t want to do your homework because the writing part is too hard because it takes you a long time to write a paragraph and so you forget your ideas, so you’re not going to do it. My concern is that if you don’t do your writing homework, you’re going to fall behind in writing even more and it will only get harder.”
3) The Invitation step: lets the child know that solving the problem is something you’re doing with him/her rather and to him/her.
Adult: “How about we think of a way that you will be able to get your writing homework done faster and remember your ideas and still do it so that way you don’t fall behind any more.”
Child: “Well, what if I have you write my paragraphs for me?”
Adult: “That is a possible solution, but we tried that before and your teachers wanted you to write them yourself. Could we think of another idea?”
Child: “ Well, sometimes you use a tape recorder to help you remember your ideas for work. Maybe I could use it to record my ideas when I want to write paragraphs.”
Adult: “That sounds like a great idea. I don’t need it when I’m not at work, so you can use it for your homework. Why don’t we try this idea and see if it works. If it doesn’t, then we can talk about it again.”
Child: “Well, what if I have you write my paragraphs for me?”
Adult: “That is a possible solution, but we tried that before and your teachers wanted you to write them yourself. Could we think of another idea?”
Child: “ Well, sometimes you use a tape recorder to help you remember your ideas for work. Maybe I could use it to record my ideas when I want to write paragraphs.”
Adult: “That sounds like a great idea. I don’t need it when I’m not at work, so you can use it for your homework. Why don’t we try this idea and see if it works. If it doesn’t, then we can talk about it again.”
Obviously there is more to being successful than what I wrote here…especially if the child or teen you are working with has difficulty having a rational conversation…reading the book is a valuable use of your precious time (took me about 3-4 hours) and I cannot wait to put this new way of working with explosive children into practice at my school. If you have an explosive child or if you work with even 1 explosive child, PLEASE, PLEASE read the book and apply the practice to your daily interactions with him/her. Your life and theirs will greatly improve and you will only be setting them up for success.
25 Manners Every Kid Needs by Age 9
CREDIT TO staceyaltamirano
It is amazing how many kids do not use basic manners these days…and I mean little kids all the way to big kids (ie adults!)
my problem is to explain to Alfian what is 'rude'.. Don't think he gets it fully...emm...
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